
I was previously very impressed with Charlottes Web CBD Oil and would often recommend it to clients. But the pice tag was SHOCKING and still ran the risk of possible THC interactions 😔 If you don’t know about medical marijuana or hemp, aka CBD, then you need to know that there are two components that have an affect on our body systems – CBD and THC.

CBD interacts with our CB2 receptors and gives us incredible therapeutic benefits such as:

-tension relief

-decreased inflammation

-reduced anxiety

-nervous system support

-lowered insulin levels

-cardiovascular health

-and more!

*THC is the controversial component that interacts with our CB1 receptors which is responsible for causing the “high” associated with marijuana.

*What you may not know is that there’s a THIRD type of cannabinoid–BCP (aka Copaiba). BCP is the long lost relative we always hoped we’d find!

It was only just discovered as a cannabinoid in 2008. And while it’s different from CBD, it directly affects the same CB2 receptors and is a much more concentrated form.

For example:


💧CBD derived from hemp has a 2-4% concentration.


💧CBD derived from cannabis/marijuana has a 5-35% concentration.


💧dōTERRA’s BCP? 60%! Wow!


dōTERRA is the first company ever to formulate their Copaiba using 4 different species making it the highest concentrated cannabinoid available. Yet because it is not a cannabis derivative it will never show up on a drug test or alter your cognitive state out of a natural comfort range.

Lastly dōTERRA Copiba is 1/3 of the price of a good quality hemp CBD! I’d say that in my opinion. I feel Copaiba is the superior option. How about you?!?


The human body has many different types of nerve receptors. Nerve receptors can be thought of as groups of nerve endings. One type of nerve receptor naturally found throughout the human body is the cannabinoid receptor. It is so named because molecules found in cannabis interact with it. However, other natural components have been found to interact with cannabinoid receptors in a non-psychoactive manner.

Caryophyllene is a sesquiterpene found in high amounts in black pepper, ylang ylang, and Melissa essential oil. It activates a specific type of cannabinoid receptors that is being studied for many benefits, but has no psychoactive activity, called cannabinoid receptors type two, or CB2.

Activating CB2 with caryophyllene is being studied from any benefits, including that of supporting the body’s normal immune response to inflammatory stressors such as intense exercise. These receptors are present immune cells as well as some regions of the brain and brain stem. Caryophyllene’s support of healthy cell growth may also be tied activating CB2 receptors.

I personally have been using this to support my left brain function. I have been very open in sharing my story. And due to my history, my body was placed in a constant state of fight or flight for years. This suppressed my left brain function. Your left brain is the analytical side that has great attention to detail, mathematics, art self-expression beauty and joy. It has taken a long time for me to have the space in my life to begin healing. And the farther my research takes me the more I feel driven to share. We all have a story and I believe He gives it to us for a very specific reason. And I intend to tell mine over and over and give all the glory to HIM. He alone has brought me to where I am today. Has given me the support and space in my life to explore natural holistic approaches to health that has absolutely changed our families life. He put everything in front of me that I needed as well as the individuals to help me learn with and grow.
